Feb 22, 2019
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Self-driving cars are scary.
Are we really going to hand over our fate to algorithms and microchips? Whether we know it or not—we already are are, with technologies like lane assist, self-parking, auto-braking. These micro-versions of the greater technology warm us up to the idea, so that when it is introduced to the market—we embrace it fully.
And the insurance industry is doing the same right now with claims and automation.
That’s why on today’s episode of FNO: InsureTech, we are joined by Mike Fulton to discuss this future. Mike is president of Xactware Solutions. He oversees Xactware’s integrated solutions for estimating, managing, and analyzing property claims as well as products for professionals involved in the repair and maintenance of bank-owned property and real estate sales.
Tune in to this episode to hear Mike’s insights on everything insuretech-related, from automation in claims to computing power in insurance companies.
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Fourseventy Claim Management